Like a butterfly

30 Day Challenge

Day six


the state of being obsessed with someone or something.

an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.
plural noun: obsessions

I thought long and hard about obsession - there’s lots of thing on which I border on obsessive, but there are two people who continually preoccupy my mind...

This pair.

From the moment the first one was born until the moment the second one left to go to university; they were my world

Weekends revolved around their activities - hockey, football, volleyball, week days revolved around brownies, scouts, training, after school activities.

And that is what being a parent is; you are there to fulfil their potential; give them every opportunity; every chance in life to Succeed.

Both of us gave up nights out, weekends away to ensure they had everything we could give them - one work colleague, partner less and childless decided that my reluctance to attend drinking parties and weekends away was down to my ‘secret alcohol problem’ - I didn’t want to go in case I embarrassed myself (said the woman with a pre-delectation for drinking herself to the point of pissing herself and flashing her tits at anyone looking in her direction)

Our dedication to our kids meant that they grew up brave and confident and fearless - and are demonstrating that here .

One in USA. one in Australia - they met up at Christmas and had a complete ball. Every time they met new people they introduced themselves as ‘brother and sister, we are not ‘together’’

Despite being far far away; they still Occupy my mind for a good part of the day. She; just finishing her day when I rise; and he rising as I meet Lunchtime.

It’s a lovely obsession and one I wouldn’t give up for anyone

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