All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Digging in the rain

Ethan and I had a busy morning ahead of us. Which was good because although I woke up feeling rubbish, we were kept so busy I didn't have time to think about how rotten I felt!

First stop was a trip to Dalkeith to visit my sister in law Emma. It's the first time we've been to her new house - I did get lost and had to phone her for directions! It was her daughter Isla-Roses birthday so we took her pressie over - I was very impressed that Ethan actually handed it to her without a fuss.

We then went to Dobbies for lunch with my friend Frances and her daughters Lyla and Lucy. There is lots of building work going on there at the moment and Ethan in particular was very keen to watch the diggers in action.

Then back home but by now the busy morning had caught up with me. Ethan only had a very short nap in the car so when he woke up we both took to my bed to watch cBeebies until hubbie got home. He then took over while I curled up in bed.

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