All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Upside Down

I woke up today feeling choked with the cold. It's that time of year isn't it when everyone seems to be catching it and then kindly passing it on!

Ethan has started saying he doesn't want to go to nursery each Tuesday morning (the only day of the week he goes). However, by the time we get there he changes his tune and tells me "me like nursery mummy"! As I was feeling so rough, I persuaded hubbie to drop Ethan off on his way to work, so I could stay in bed till the last minute, as I was working from home. I had contemplated not even changing out my PJ! However, plan was scuppered when hubbie phoned to tell me he had remembered to put Ethan's spare trousers in his nursery bag as I'd requested .... but then forgot to take the bag to nursery! So I had to pop down with it at lunchtime.

Ethan was enjoying being swung upside down over and over this evening - hubbie was worn out by this game a long time before Ethan was!

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