Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Popping my Plastic Surgery cherry

I have a fellow mentalist soulmate called
Lesley. Among her many legendary tales of life in the RAF and waste management are her daring deeds with superglue in times of dental emergencies. She was my Inspiration yesterday when my temp tooth broke in half just before a meeting, and after hardly any panic (okay, well a wee bit) and thanks to my colleague Lindsay hot footing it to get some superglue, I did my first ever self inflicted plastic surgery so the show could go on! And it did! Thanks Lesley! Thanks Lindsay!

Now it just needs to last for two weeks until i have to 'fess up to the dentist and he can work his magic, then i'll be saying a permanent goodbye to this snake tongue inducing tongue twisting sucker once and for all.

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