Revision timetable

Sam hasn't seen this yet. He might faint. He's just finished his prelims and the results were a bit lower than he was expecting but I guess have served their purpose, a wee kick up the nether regions to get your backside in gear to study . Then again, if you only start studying the night before the exam or freely admit you don't know how to study then you ain't gonna get the grades you hoped. So enter me, mother, moi, ma, mither, stage right, and fully admitting I've gone "Full Tracey" (in honour of a fellow mum who has Jedi ninja skills in wrangling her teenage son into studying). My chosen modus operandi of the moment is a crazy over the top multi coloured revision timetable. Yes, yes I know, I did it so he won't buy into it. But it won't be a wasted exercise, nah, nah, nah, it is just more evidence, as if we didn't already know, that the one time medical observations suggesting just slightly higher than your average joe's Aspergers levels round these parts definitely comes from my side of the family. Speaking of which, it's been ages since I rearranged the furniture into the ever elusive perfect layout.......

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