
By MrsFred


It would appear Diva is helping dad with the garden renovations, helping dig out for the concrete.....Well that's the story she seemed to be sticking to!!

Could anybody believe that this face is causing so much havoc in our household?? Spending her days digging epic holes like this, hiding at the bottom of the garden ready to slamdunk her sister, escaping out of multiple locked and blocked areas, and obsessively licking every drop of water out of Jaspers eyes (no clue about that one!!)

But all this is quickly forgotten when she sits so politely in front of her ever forgiving Daddy and gently placing a paw on his knee (saying please), for a biscuit, or a cuddle.....who could resist her, our precious little Daddy's girl, and the ONLY new girl to have ever been taken under Willow's wing :D

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