
By MrsFred

Pot of gold must be.....

At the other end of this lovely rainbow I saw this evening....definitely isn't at the bottom of the picture in the midst of the dreaded metrolink roadworks.....I can't be nice about them as they have held up our town and the town where I work for a couple of years now solidly, and there's still apparently 2 more years to go!!!!

But I can be nice about this rainbow, which actually had a less vivid brother behind it too, and I can be nice about work today, was a colleagues 30th so we forced her to spend the day looking ridiculous with a sash, massive badge and hat. (standard birthday work attire), the boss treated us to Starbucks, and gave me Monday off to see Amy off safely on her school holiday!!! These are rare times, not always anywhere near as nice this day but I'll take it!!!

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