Sunset silhouettes .....

A dank start then it cleared away to a nice sunny winters day. Still very muddy under foot though.
A day spent feeding cattle and various other bits and bobs.
Mrs F and Littlemiss off to the big smoke to see Miss Saigon at the Festival Theatre. Think they both thoroughly enjoyed it .
Took the dogs for a sunset wander across some of the empty grass fields as the ewes are all now on the turnips until they lamb.
Passed this row of moles on the barbed wire fence. We used to be able to control them fairly well and cheaply using poison but it is no longer available so we have to employ a man to trap them . Not the most cost effective way but it has to be done as the soil in molehills damages grass machinery, and soil in the silage causes a disease called listeriosis in the sheep and cattle which causes brain damage and death ( yes sheep do have a brain ! )
The trapper used to get paid by the number of moles they killed and hung them up on the fence to be counted. When I was at school I got 10p per mole. Now they get paid a wee bit more !

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