Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

An interview with #15 regarding AOG2018

This is your Intrepid Reporter (IR) with an exclusive interview with Tuffy from Team Tufted Titmouse (our 15th Yard Bird to be blipped this year).  Some of you have been wondering if the Alternative Olympic Games (AOG) would be happening again this year and the answer is a resounding YES!  In fact, here at the Northern New Jersey Stadium, Team Titmouse is already hard at work training in several categories, such as Snow-shoeing seen here, and the peanut-toss, always a crowd favorite.  

But instead of hearing me blather on about it, I've transcribed my interview with Tuffy below...

IR:  So, tell me, Tuffy, what kinds of events can we expect in this year's AOG?

Tuffy:  Well, Deb, those of us here in the frozen north are going to be doing a lot of snow and ice events, but also probably some singing and eating events, too.  And, of course, a whole series of aerial events.  We're super excited!!

IR:  So, is this AOG mainly centered around cold-weather events?

Tuffy:  Oh, no!  We've heard that some of the insects in the south are going to be competing in Nectar snogging, Pollinating, Buzzing and even Flower-hopping.  And there are birds in Florida who may be entering the Egg-Laying events, too.  I even heard a rumor that some of the alligators are practicing for the Bellowing Event - we Titmice can't do that, of course.  

IR:  Are there any things we should be on the lookout for this year?

Tuffy:  Well, we have been told that the officials aren't going to look kindly on competitors eating each other.  Rumor has it that the Team Spider groups are up in arms about that, as are Team Hawk up here in our woods.  I also heard that Team Squirrel has been caught stealing peanuts from the cafeteria already, so I'm sure the officials are going to be watching those hairy varmints closely.

IR:  Tuffy, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy training schedule to talk to our fans.  I know I speak for everyone when I say that we can't wait to see what happens during these historic AOGs!

Okay, so here are the details:

AOG is for non-human participants which can be mammal, avian, insect, arachnid, gastropod, reptile, amphibian, or fish.  Mainly wild things, although domestic participants can certainly join in.

The dates of AOG will be the same as the dates for the PyeongChang Winter Olympics - 9 February - 25 February.

The individual events are up to the imagination of the various members of the Blip Media who will be covering the events.  If you need some inspiration, check out some of the events from prior AOGs HERE and HERE

Please tag your entries #2018AOG(date).  The date will correspond to the date you post.  So, if you post on 10 February your tag will be #2018AOG10.  If you want to post some shots in advance of the official AOG games, showing your athletes in training or in candid interviews, just use the tag #2018AOG (as I've done with this entry).

Lastly, HAVE FUN!

Debbi and Team Tufted Titmouse

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