Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Oral satisfaction

Wonderful thing the mouth, particularly when it encounters out of this world vegan food. I bought this in Baker Street - not the Sherlock Holmes one but a hill in Weybridge with some rather nice shops and cafes. The cafe where I had this tasty hummus, rocket and carrot on sourdough is called - perhaps unimaginatively - The Baker Street cafe. Its success is based on the fact that it’s food is awesome. They make their own hummus and it’s gorgeous, and god knows how they made the carrots so tasty.

My second lot of oral satisfaction was down to having some really nice conversations with colleagues today. Wonderful thing the mouth, the way it can form words. I read a book once that pointed out that everything is in fact energy. Mountains are hard, long lasting formations of energy. Words are fleeting, transient forms of energy but they have immense power.

The third lot of oral satisfaction was seeing my hygienist who was so gushy about the improvement in my gums and teeth that I felt deeply affirmed. She was truly gobsmacked (pardon the pun) - I thought I was going to get a hug, a sticker and a sugar free lollipop at one point.

Friday tomorrow. Got half a days leave. Nice afternoon in prospect...

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