Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Big sis

Even though I’m nearly sixty, a big sister is still a big sister. We met in Waterloo and walked down Roupell Street which she loved. 1820s terraced cottages, with a bakery and a funny little pub. A local resident stopped and gave us the history lesson. Roupell was a wealthy merchant who named the surrounding streets after his children. Fascinating stuff.

Had lunch in Tibits (tofu au vin would you believe) then did the Modigliani at the Tate Modern again. Think I enjoyed it even more second time around.

After she went home from London Bridge I bought spices at Borough Market then did a very long walk through the city, St Paul’s and the law courts before ending up at the National Portrait Gallery where I rested my weary feet and drank coffee until TSM met me. We then did the Cezanne portraits and this year’s Taylor Wessing exhibition. Both very good, but I’ve loved Cezanne ever since first discovering him forty years ago. A genius. The bridge between the old and new world in artistic terms for me.

Had supper at a really nice Thai place off Trafalgar Square. Then came home, exhausted.

Wonderful day.

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