The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Wanted: evil eye amulet

I found this unusual request in the Trash Nothing! Email digest I receive daily.

Strangely, I had just restarted using a wallet that contained these items, left over from a visit to a Turkish restaurant last July! So, I've been in touch with the requester, who will collect the items tomorrow. I've tried to warn her they're tacky.
I did not have the courage to ask why protection was needed from the Evil Eye in Tetbury, of all places!

My appointments for today and tomorrow cancelled themselves. I'm back in bed.The GP surgery nurse rang back. She asked if I wanted another throat swab, up my nose and down the back of my throat. Apparently the last swab wasn't good enough. I said, no thanks, can I go back to bed now? Is it normal to be aching all over, after a bath?

I have given up on normal. Rest is the only option.

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