The Best Laid Plans

SWMBO and I were going to do some shopping this morning, but first we went to break the new of mil's passing to her two freinds in the housing complex she stayed in.
When we arrived we were greeted by one of the staff who informed us that the tennancy ended the day of death and thereafter there was a daily 'key charge' ...... even if the rent was paid in advance (which came as a bit of a shock). During a cuppa with of of the ladies SWMBO got a phone call from one of her sisters who was trying to get the death certificate. When she found out about the key charge it was a case of gathering the troops and starting to clear the house.
There was a bit too much discussing the minutia rather than than boxing stuff and worrying about it later as far as I was concerned - but I just got on with taking down high level stuff and boxing most of the miniature teapot collection.

We cut things short and headed home to collect the monsters.
The Cygnet got roast pork with all the trimmings for his dinner. He loved the crackling and was interested to know how we got it so crisp. I think Bags is going to get a hard time if she doesn't get it 'right' next time.

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