
Not such a good day - but I'm getting used to the good days / bad day cycle! I don't like the bad days and struggle and feel so tired with it all but know it's just because I'm not yet centered. I'm like a pendulum swinging from good to bad, but thankfully I swing faster back to good and stay there longer. 
I think I can identify the triggers - today it was a visit from Nellie of The Woods and drilling! For many years I've been in the middle of what seems to be like a building site. 3 of the 6 houses in my terrace and the house next to it have been undergoing refurbishment. One at a time as the owners decease. The latest is two doors down from me and as the woman lived there for over 50 years it is no doubt in need of an overhaul ...and good grief is it ever getting one! I'm not even going to talk about the annoyance of having the builders park all the way down the terrace and outside my house meaning I have to park further up the road - always when I have something heavy to carry into the house like logs, coals or shopping!Today it was particularly noisy with drilling which I think set me on edge, and as Nellie always knocks on my door instead of ringing the bell I was worried I wouldn't hear her. She was also later than arranged. I lasted  15 mins and then had to ask her to leave!  
I gradually got my precarious balance back, helped  by  putting the ladies to bed on the allotment! Another evening of knitting and one of my favourite programmes - A Stitch In Time. A wonderfully dressed fashion historian and style expert presents this programme where the clothes in an old portrait are recreated using the techniques of the period. The first was the dress of the woman in The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan Van Eyck. Fascinating to learn she was not, in fact, pregnant, just holding up the voluminous dress fabric! Each week she delves into the time and life of the person through the clothes they are wearing.  I wish it was an hour long not 30 minutes - so good to have my mind occupied by something other than how I am feeling! 

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