Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Woke up in the fly camp to find my right foot had almost been eaten off in the night by tetsie flies. Had an interesting night in the tent as I had forgotten my ear plugs and as a result was woken up a couple of times by the go away bird that sounded just like a car alarm going off.
After a nice breakfast we were driven back to the camp so we could start our last day's game drive. On the way back to the camp we saw a lesser kudu.
Not much to see on the way out apart from the usual elephants and zebra. One the way out we stopped off to see the python in a tree that john and Alison has seen the afternoon before. There was an ostrich with even younger chicks than the other day. Spent most of the first hour looking for leopards in the trees with no luck but we did see zebra, buffalo, elephants, baby hartebeest, wattle starlings and a juvenile bateleur eagle sitting in the tree while its parents were circling over ahead looking for food.
We came back to the main track and started to see what we could find when Mohamed spotted a savannah monitor a tree. It was about 1.5m long sitting on a branch. He then spotted a spotted a serval cat. This is even rarer than a leopard. It was hunting for small birds and snakes in the short grass. We stayed there for 45 minutes watching it.
We when met another jeep which said it had seen a leopard crossing the road a bit further up earlier in the day so off we went to look. Before getting to the spot they told us about we spotted a leopard asleep in a tree near to the road. Great thing to see as we managed to get very close for a few pictures.
After leaving it to sleep we headed back for lunch taking a few more photos on the way back
After lunch and some packing we headed out for our last game drive. Went over the far side to see if we could see any cheetahs as they had been spotted there earlier in the day, but had no luck. Did manage to see some more elephants up close as one of them was in the road. A small herd with a couple of babies. One of them did give us a trumpet when we finally went past.
After dinner we went out the back to see if we could find the honey badgers with no luck. However when we returned to our tent they were on the patio but also in the tent. They had pushed through the mozzi sides of the tent, which was held in place with 2" Velcro and got into my bag looking for the cereal bars we had packed in there ready to go. Luckily I hadn't closed the bag properly so they didn't rip through the bags but they had gone through the entire bag and taken the majority of it outside looking for food. The cereal bars were in a draw string bag, inside a dry bag and inside the main bag but they had ripped through all of it. They had also chewed a couple of camera batteries, luckily the camera wasn't damaged. All my clean clothes had been gone through apart from the stuff left out for the morning so the rest will need to be rinsed out at the next place.
Spent an hour cleaning up after them and went to bed for 5 hours of disturbed sleep.

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