Eynhallow and Rousay (Day 993)

No alarm clocks were set last night, and consequently there was quite a late start this morning. There was a bit of a frost overnight and  my  beautiful wife and I wandered up the hill with the woofers in sunshine. 
Back at home, I spent a while cleaning the boiler, and got on with some other small chores whilst HV was off to do hossing. 
After lunch we had a wander at Evie, where we had the beach to ourselves. It was lovely in the sunshine, and with no wind it felt warm. 
Returning home I changed and zoomed off to Stromness to deal with a little job, which had led on to another bigger job for Monday. A proper plumbing job for a change. 
This evening Mum and Dad (Painterman) are coming for dinner before they catch the overnight boat to Aberdeen. We shall be looking after Evie the Wonderdog whilst they are away.

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