On the road home (Day 992)

It wasn't raining as the dogs and I took a wander up the hill this morning. The clearer sky meant that it was a bit easier for me to see where I was going, which made for a much more pleasant outing.
Back at home and once I was organised and the dogs settled, I trundled across to Orphir to finish the bathroom (at last). I knew it would be a day of wood butchery, but I was hoping that it wouldn't take too long. The hoped for quick job evaporated as I struggled with warped timber. Using the chop saw outside was really pleasant, strong sun warming my back as I worked away.
I eventually triumphed in the face of adversity, building a frame to support a panel for the front of the bath. The panel made out of a couple of bits of wet wall cut to size and joined in the middle, trying to match up with the panelling behind the bath. I am relatively pleased with it and the customer seems happy enough, already talking about getting the en-suite done too.
It was early afternoon as I left and I stopped on the way home to take a quick shot of the view. I couldn't resist the fabulous sky.
I am really glad to have  my  beautiful wife home. 

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