Celebrating Burns

First day back at work and attended the Hearings Management Group. Good discussions both about the digital future and about specific issues such as supporting children in hearings where there are special issues such as autism. What may be well intentioned might create distress.

Then catching up on developments while I was off. It was only a week but many topics to discuss.

Away sharp to get kilted up to attend, as a guest of Leidos, the 18th Microsoft Burns evening charity event. This year they raised over £87k. The supported charities this year are Aberlour, Streetsoccer and SocialBite. Each gave powerful presentations of the work they do and the issues they face.

The speeches were: Brian Taylor who gave an erudite and humerous Immortal Memory; John Beattie a rugby laced and emotional toast to the lassies; and Elaine C Smith a virtuoso Glaswegian (but not full on Mary Doll) passionate reply.

Good company, some serious discussions and some convivial conversations.

The blip is of the Hall and, if my memory from childhood visits is correct, of a Giant Elk.

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