Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Three left ...

We have three of the original gang of five left ... Lucy loves her Guineas very much .. they’ve had many houses within our house but have NEVER lived outside .. I’m personally not a fan of Guineas being kept outside . At present the noisy trio are residing in my dining room which to be honest has never really been a dining room at all .. its always been dressed to look like a dining room but in reality it’s more a rescue centre ! The saga of the new floor cage continues so they are not in it yet .. Lucy us still murderous on the subject .

Suki little cat was spayed today .. that’s the last of the cats to be sorted . She’s in Eves room convalescing with some chicken and clean bedding .. the cat.. the cat has chicken not Eve .. mind you ,Eve likes a nice piece of chicken herself .. I’ll leave it there .

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