
By sas05

watch out....zombies....

welcome to todays brain guff.. the thing i laughingly call a diary clears throat ,, hello diary.. today went something like this .. came downstairs to sky news...never a good start always treated to bad news, which today was no exception,, or a politician lieing his or her pants off... you know its a complete bundle of horse dung when they open with a sentence with these immortal words.. "lets be clear" ... surprisingly im very clear.. your lieing Mr or Mrs politician run.. a treat as always,, had one of the lickle devils on my shoulders and two more , one on each arm doing a sort of carousel thing .. kids are just great.. cant wait to be one again.. that was a real shot in the arm ,, a childs smile can lighten the darkest of hearts .... chapter two.. work... as always started with the obligatory square dance with other drivers.. usually the opening gambit is,, where ya going, (to see if anyone is having a easier run than you,, then wondering whose butt theyve been kissing when they have..) that done we adjourn upstairs to the house of fine cuisine ..namely the canteen where we like to chow down.. when there are drivers involved of course its advisable to keep your hands and feet away from their mouths when their eating...was treated to the company of a fine fellow of thee biking brotherhood for company today, and yes as you would imagine he resembles a rather chunky bulldog chewing on a wasp. He looks to deceive in many ways,, hes a salt of the earth guy,, a real family man.. says what he likes and likes what he says type of guy he too has a very very dry sense of humour,, this man could stare down a truck full of salt hes soo dry .... but make no mistake he does bite.. but in a real tongue in cheek sort of way,, not confrontational.. just i dont give a damn sort of way.. he recently addressed a lad who is a self professed gay , as flower...had the guy hopping mad... i tired to explain to this guy that my friend didnt mean anything by it,, just hes misunderstood !!! hhaahahhaha misunderstood ??? even i smirked at that whooper.. so lesson learnt today,, you dont need to be famous to be a jackass ,famous people can be jackass`s and have thronging hords to make it ok.. no,, its must harder to be yourself (jackass) without people telling ya ,, no man ,, you cool.. anyway chapter three. .on the road today with nothing more than me and the CD player for company ,, brain got bored with my company so decided that a little light music was in order, REM was my choice of misery for the day,, this band should come with a health warning,, only play if in sound mind,, delightfully miserable.. where as Jean michel jarre is a gorgeous musical guff on a keyboard REM are a bottle of cyanide pills are for a manic depressive. Ok i admit ..too much time to think today ... human relationships and the torrent of health related issues that seem to be coming in from every corner .. as a friend of mine said the other day ,, we are all walking on a knife edge.. too true.. one of lifes pondables i guess. see REM have influenced me !!!argghh.. truthfully its been a great day.. why ,.cos its my friday,, off for three days now.. and how do you know things are going your way,, when i stop for my usual pit stop on the newbury road ..look up and see a shooting star.. not failing to keep a good grip on the job in hand whist looking up,, try it,, things can get messy really quickly ... back at the yard a journeys end we end up in the drivers reception...resembles more of a doctors waiting area for the hard of thinking...we all look like DR Phils case studies..sure enough was met a absolute belly laughs from Mark,"wiggly" wigly and chester who i feel i know perhaps better than i should..hes doctor prescribed him viagra for headaches that he gets,, really viagra..??? i cant get the visions out of my head,, I love my job,,more over ,, the guys and girls that i work with..what abunch of loons in the first order..dont go changing..anyway good people .. if youve made it this far ,, your either mad, bored or waiting for it to get better,, one thing i love about this stuff on here,, it will be here forever more for my girls to read.. or until someone turns off the power to blipfotos computer .. my stamp on history ,, in a minor way ..till tomorrow good people ...

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