
Our visitors headed home this afternoon, but before they did, I asked Emily if she would let me take her portrait, and what a great model she was!  The lighting was tricky as it's a very dull day, but I sat her in the dining room looking out towards the patio doors so there was at least some natural light.  She's 9 years old, and growing into an absolute beauty! I have lots of shots of her smiling and whilst she looks quite serious here, I think it's very natural, and Lorraine was happy for me to use it for my blip. 

We went out for brunch with them to the Art Cafe in Rottingdean and they left about 1pm.  I then had a quick turnaround as I had to pick up Anna, our lodger at 2pm, so quickly changed the bed and cleaned the en-suite before going to Alison's to collect her.  She's  settled in and I'm going to cook a Sunday roast for us all.  She won't eat with us during the week as she'll be working and she said it's easier for her just to pick something up to cook herself when she gets in, but said she'd like to eat with us tonight.  She brought us a bottle of wine to thank us for our hospitality which is really sweet of her and she didn't need to do it as she's paying for her room, but I've put it on chill and we can have it with dinner.

Anyway, I'll go and finish editing Emily's photos before dinner as I've said that I'll send Lorraine the rest of the photos, and I'll try and catch up with you later on.  

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