Home Cookin'
My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,
Inspired by the antics of Feefs & Big Nipper over Xmas, I have decided to sign up for a food box thing.
I looked at the one Feefs had used. But that seemed a bit ambitious. You know the sort of thing. Loads of prep and - voila - two hours later you have made Beef Rendang with Lemongrass-Infused Chili Sauce, accompanied by water-chestnuts soaked in coconut-lime marinade.
Only for Er Indoors to wrinkle her nose at it, and ask for a box of Scorched Almonds instead.
So instead I have bought something called the Bargain Box. I liked it better because:
a) It has the word "bargain" in it.
b) It seems more down-to-earth and therefore if I wish to deviate from their suggested menu I can still manage to make something interesting that Er Indoors will eat.
I HATE being told what to do. I am a kitchen REBEL.
I start tomorrow. Tonight I need to use up the ingredients already in my fridge. I'll let you know how it goes, how much Er Indoors enjoyed it, and how much I had to pay for the backup dinner from UberEats afterward.
p.s. "Pulled" Beef Gyros? Why are we always "pulling" our meat these days?
p.p.s. Not like that. You know what I meant. Rudeness.
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