Over Yonder

By Stoffel


My Dear Fellow,

Punky went to the vet today for the start of his mandatory health checks and vaccinations for going to NZ. He needs a rabies jag at least 6 months before we go.

It's Jasper's turn for the rabies jag next week. There was no way I was going to attempt capturing them both on one day. Punky, in particular, is a problem. He knows to run as soon as he sees the cat basket and he's FAST. So Caro blocked all the exits and we managed to manhandle - I mean "cathandle" - him in there with a minimum of fuss.

Still, while getting him to the vet wasn't too difficult, the exam itself was a drag. Punky is a nervous little fellow and they kept us waiting for ages. I could feel him trembling in fear through the bag and no amount of me "shh-shh-shh"-ing and reassuring him helped.

Worse, the vet found he has a bit of a heart murmur. It's probably nothing to worry about - it's only mild and apparently many cats live long and happy lives with murmurs. It also doesn't affect his ability to emigrate with us. But it does mean he has to have an ultrasound to check him out - and he's going to hate that. Poor little guy.

After bringing him home I popped to the mail collection office to pick up Princess Normal's birthday present. I mention this as I know she stalks these pages occasionally. Ba ha ha ha. It is IN THE HOUSE. 

Now Punky is peacefully sleeping off his traumatic day. The little chap looks very happy on his cat-blanket. He's been given lots of brave-boy cuddles by Er Indoors and special tuna treats from me. 

Meanwhile, I have "something" to wrap... (HINT: It's not tuna treats).

El P.

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