Only Happy When It Rains

My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess,

I am sitting on my couch with the telly off and listening to the rain fall. I love rain, I even love being out in it. I don't even mind if it is cold.

I draw the line if it makes its way into my shoes though. Walking in wet socks feels like trampling slugs*.

I even like SONGS about the rain. "Here Comes The Rain Again", "Purple Rain", "Why Does It Always Rain On Me?", "Rhythm of the Rain", "Might As Well Rain Until September". 

I should make a playlist.

Today's rain seems particularly kind and cool and soothing so I thought I'd try to take a picture. The view you can see is out of our living room window. It overlooks the gully below and I feel spoiled every time I look out there. It is nice to have so much green around. You can also see our balcony in the picture. Do not get too envious, we never get to use it. This is because the cats would see us out there and get jealous.

(The cats are BANNED from the balcony on account of they are too stupid not to leap off. Please re-read some of my older entries on Jasper and Punky if you do not believe me.)

Instead we use the entirety of the balcony as a big bird-feeder. We scatter bread and seeds out there and then the boys sit and watch them all day. Occasionally we will hear a BONK because Jasper has tried to pounce through the glass.

See? Not very smart.

I think I'm going to leave the tv off and just sit here in the peace a while longer. I don't get people who don't love rain. We have hats. We have umbrellas. It's not like you have to get soaked to the skin and then run around naked in it**.

Worst comes to the worst, you may need to change out of your wet socks. But for now, I recommend you just sit and listen to it. 


* I am such a poet.

** Or maybe you do. No judgement. You do as you please.

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