Ice + Monoblock = Tricky Driving

Even trickier if you are one of the morons who drives around without clearing anything off your car exept for the square foot in front of your steering wheel!
I would have thrown my snow shovel at them if I had been within range (no idea if it was male or female because they hadn't cleared their bloody windows! ... or the inches of snow off the bonnet (which was doing its best to blow over that clear 1 square foot) or roof.

Apart from the morons who hadn't cleared their cars, the main roads were fine. The gritters who were intent on putting huge amounts of grit onto damp roads would have been better actually gritting roads that needed it.
By the time we got to the outskirts of Edinburgh it seemed to be little more than a dusting - amazing what 15 miles can do.

Stopped off to pick up my prints at Costco and ended up buying a new A3 printer! Maybe just as well since I can't even find a way to get into the casing of the other one, let alone figure out how to sort the carrier.

I bought wood to make a cat house for Jay when he is allowed out and spent forever setting up the new printer.

SWMBO headed off to see her mother and find out what the doctor said when he came out to see her.
Apparently she is anemic and has been given iron tablets. He has also taken her off a few other tablets

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