People and Places

Went up to the Old town to enlighten (hopefully!) some students on vectors - confusing things, first time you encounter them. Notational confusion! Still, I was able to encourage them to sign up for our next exciting meeting, which will be....Calculus Day! "Haud me back", I heard them mutter.

Mr H headed across to Dunfermline to see the mighty Pars; it would have been simple for me to meet him at the station after the maths and go across too if I were not encumbered by a rucksack full of laptop. So I just headed back down the walk and was struck by this view from the bus; the building on the Shrubhill site has reached massive proportions. It's yuge! Can't remember what it's going to be - oh, more student housing probably. Signboard says "Places for People", which leaves one none the wiser.

But it's both amazing and great that SB's painted Tardis seems to have survived all the tree-fellings and workings unscathed. Persevere!

Edit: see Marchmont's comment for elucidation re the buildings....

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