Tulip study
For AYWMC Graduates we're studying B&W photography this month. A great challenge for me as I thrive on colour and don't usually do anything in B&W on purpose, so this gets me right outside my comfort zone. We're researching favourite B&W photographers and I do have an idea which ones I like best. I love botanical shots like Karl Blossfeldt made at the turn of the 20th century. I do also like Robert Mapplethorpe's flower/tulip shots. So I decided to take some tulip shots today, as the shops are full of early tulips now and I did buy two bunches of them on Friday. See the B&W version in the extras ! This tulip was drooping and reflected on the glass sheet on top of the table with woven structure underneath.
That brings me on to the AT results and the theme for this coming Thursday. We've had colourful as a theme just a couple of weeks ago, so for next Thursday I suggest a 'B&W/monochrome' theme (a monochrome can be anything that has just shades of one colour and white). The tag will be AT133.
Thanks so much for another collection of over 75 entries last week and they were again so varied and fun. Do find the whole collection here.
My list of 5 specials from these:
Seasidesusie For a mysterious door to a derelict scene
Tommie2 For a different look at a veggie leaf
Hanulli For turning a wet street with coloured Christmas lights into something completely different, a bit like a cathedral with stained windows
kengrace For showing the essence of an abstract, seeing an abstract in everyday shapes
inkface For a beautiful star shape behind a wet window
I'm looking forward to your mono/B&W abstracts :-)
Thank you so much for your kind comments and stars for yesterday's lily and the salmon mousse.
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