Between dog & wolf...

...entre chien et loup...or otherwise known as twilight! My Mom inspired today's blip title! Extra pic of the same view but with José & Soli's house in it...
After a rough rough night with Nate, I've had an unshakeable headache all day...when will he sleeeeep?! But it's been a good day nontheless...we were up and ready earlier than yesterday...walking around town in a bid to get Nate to have a morning snooze in his pushchair and not on me...we then met up with Croydon for coffee and a catch up. Then later we (confession time) went to Mac Donald's...then home for a DVD and out again for sunset & an exhibition launch. The paintings were all jellyfish inspired and really beautiful! Asha enjoyed it, I think she enjoyed the fact the artist was there too...

Drama of the day;

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha walking a lot today & not complaining.
2) Seeing Croydon...good to catch up on all the Christmas happenings.
3) Asha being able to identify some pretty observant stuff about herself...'when I get sad I feel cross...because I've usually got something wrong'... she's a perfectionist, how do I help her be easier on herself?!

3 days down, 4 to go!

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