Naughty but nice brunch!

As you can see the diet hasn't started yet.  Can't remember when I last had this sort of breakfast.
First day back with the Green Gym when it was stocktaking time for all the tools and equipment.
Afterwards there was an invitation for breakfast at a local hostelry.  I was aware of this and had not eaten already.  
Used up quite a lot of calories going up and down stairs afterwards 'labouring' for the decorating son.  My job was cleaning brushes and rollers and wiping off the odd splash marks when the ceiling was painted.
The advantage of choosing an almost identical colour for the walls is that one coat should be enough so hopefully will be finished tomorrow.  At least there are now no cracks to be seen and everything is clean behind the wardrobes etc.
It will also be a good opportunity to not return all the clothes to their original place but put them in a bag for the charity shop.

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