
By LadyPride

Water boarding and pancakes

Wow. Can not let my New Mother's Moan Blog, errr I mean Blip go by today without mentioning the truly horrific night's sleep I had last night. It was up there with the worst of the past few months.

Audrey woke for a feed at 10pm then woke again every hour until we fed her again at 2am and then (no joke) again every 30 mins like an automated alarm clock until 7am this morning. I described it to my husband this morning as 'worse than water boarding torture methods' and added that if I had been Brody in Homeland and been subjected to last night's (lack of) sleep, I would easily of confessed to being a terrorist.

I do hope in years to come I can look back on this blog and think, phew - it did get better!

Had to just get on with it this morning despite feeling deathly. Piled on the make-up, slung on some jeans, put my hair up in a bun and stuck a smile on for good measure. No point in wallowing is there?

My lovely liccle sis Lau popped over to play with Audrey and we all popped out to in Chorlton (pictured) for pancakes and copious mugs of tea. Twas lovely. A real feel-good family morning. I needed it.

Then it was home to catch up on last night's X Factor and some chores.

Found out that there's a baby sleep consultant living close by in Cheshire so we're looking into maybe using her services. Yes, it has come to this. I emailed her this afternoon. I am not afraid to ask for some expert help. Even though I know it makes me a New Mum Living in The Burbs cliche.

If it helps us get some much needed sleep, it is worth putting my LadyPride (geddit?) on one side.

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