She sells sea shells on the sea shore

Well it took us half the day to get washed, dressed, and out of the flat...but we got there! We wandered along to the closest beach & spent a happy hour or so collecting shells & taking pics, whilst Nate snoozed in the pushchair. We bumped into Craig from the street too...he was on his way to have a shower at Red Cross...he gets 1 a week. 

Drama of the day;
A vaguely feral Asha...we needed to get out of the flat!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny keeping in touch via WhatsApp... it's been good to vicariously join him on his travels today!
2) Having a beach close by, somewhere where Asha can be outside and potter.
3) Seeing Craig. Asha spotted him first...I think playing football with her has meant she's now a superfan of his! Ha!

Days without Danny - 2 down 5 to go!

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