This is Juno in the post-dinner nook, watching the latest episode of Black Mirror. He’s usually in the crook of my arm, but Fred’s been favoured this evening. Juno’s been so affectionate since our return from Inverness. It can only be a matter of days before we are treated to The Snub so we’ll enjoy the attention while it lasts.
I opened my eyes at 3am to see Fred in full light holding a dustpan and brush. Puzzled, it took me a moment to figure out that he wasn’t in my dream but actually shaking me awake to ask if I’d deal with a dead mouse. I expected a gruesome scene but thankfully the mouse was intact. I extricated it from Juno’s claws, popped it in a container for the garden and headed back to sleep.
I had planned to have a proper sleep before starting back to work today, but with a full moon as a searchlight for rodents, that was wishful thinking.
Most folk are still on holiday it seems. The train was quiet, as was the office. I caught up with the folk who were in, and with the Delhi team who’ve worked all through Christmas and produced a tonne of work for us to review. Thank goodness for them or this upcoming deadline would be impossible.
I was treated to lunch by a friend. When I say “lunch”, I admit we had cake at Patisserie Valerie. It was our first day back so needed some treats. Mmm... fruit scone. It’s all cheese sandwiches for the rest of the week.
Garden notes at breakfast: a couple of squirrels and a jay. The jay was swallowing some monkey nuts whole and flying away with others.
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