Rodents rule

By squirk

An artful pause

The floor of The National Gallery has a variety of mosaics. I hadn’t spotted this one before today. My lunchtime wander took me here to see a free exhibition Lake Keitele: a vision of Finland, featuring a room of beautiful paintings by Akseli Gallen-Kallela. I could have sat there all day looking at the light on the lake water painted in a variety of ways. There were four almost identical paintings on one wall and it took me a little while to spot the differences.

I should have been knackered today but I seem OK. I didn’t sleep much last night due to Storm Eleanor making it sound like someone was in the flat with her strange howls and bangs. Juno spent the night clamped between us, not at all interested in going out.

Garden notes: all is intact despite the wind, though fewer birds out this morning. I spied two squirrels before I rushed to work.

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