
By MartinN

London Day 2

We dragged ourselves away from our Superior Travelodge room and headed for the even more superior Savoy Hotel for a lovely breakfast in lovely surroundings!

We then dived into the National Gallery, primarily to avoid the rain, but enjoyed a good hour and a half taking in all the fine art, portraits and landscapes.

We then headed over to Westminster for a tour of the Houses of Parliament.  It was amazing to stand in the places where so many famous politicians have stood and where so many decisions have been made but then also see the pigeon holes where Theresa and Jeremy have their post left for them.  Isobel had the added treat of a parliamentary mouse running over her foot in the cafe!

The Blip is of St Stephen's Hall, one of only two rooms where photography is allowed 

We stopped for a bite to eat near the London Eye and then headed home, tired but having had a fantastic time!

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