Old Year Out and New Vines in.....

Maisie and I took a walk along the bottom of the Taylor Dam structure and then back along the top this morning. We haven’t been there for a while and I was surprised to see the adjoining flat land in Meadowbank Station has been planted out in new grape vines. The green shields are to protect the tender seedlings from pests such as rabbits and give shelter from the weather. It’s cloudy here but no sign of rain so far.
I was caught on the hop when I realized I had reached the magical sum of 1824 Blips yesterday. That is five years without missing a day. I had expected to get to Five years today... the last day of 2017. Where have all the years gone to? I am touched by the kind comments and support from my Blip Friends from around the world. Blipfoto is a very special caring community and I will keep on Blipping! Happy New Year to you all. Arohanui. xx

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