Cold, bleak Threipmuir in the Pentlands

This shot is out of order, it should be 29th but for some reason the journey up to Scotland was posted for 29th instead of the 28th. I’’ll just have to live with that.

It snowed for a couple of hours this morning, not as much as we were expecting but enough to freshen the place up. It had stopped before four of us went for the usual walk up to and around Theirpmuir and Harlaw reservoirs in the foothills of the Pentlands. A raw day, grey still, with biting winds, but nevertheless exhilarating. Many shots to choose from, some of which I’ve included in extras.

In the afternoon we called around to see one of Susan’s nieces and her family which proved to be a very pleasant few hours. Their two girls, aged 4 and 18 months were very entertaining and we enjoyed their company.

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