A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Best laid plans

Amongst the things aborted today was mine and Anna’s attempt to learn this game which has the longest rule book of any game I have ever seen. Today we got as far as unpacking all the pieces and working out the set up. It may take some time before we are at full game play. But I have heard so much about it I am determined we will get there eventually. In the meantime if anyone knows Twilight Struggle and wants to pop around and accelerate the process we would be most grateful.

Our evening plans to have friends over for dinner was thwarted by illness so instead Anna and I added to our holiday movie collection with Sing. We did start off with the original of The Italian Job but it was painfully dated and sexist and too slow to get to the good bits stuck in my brain. At least this way they get to stay stuck there as good bits. In contrast Sing was just fun and led to a nice bit of dancing too.

Not sure there is anything else to report from another splendidly InBetwixtMas day. I occasionally reminded myself I am kind of going back to work next week just so it wouldn’t be quite such a shock. But it won’t really start until the week after so I can have a gentle run in. Fortunately Carlos is better just in time to have enjoyed a chilled day today. And, with cautious optimism of course, Jackson has had another dipless day.

These holidays have been very good for us all and feel like they have been going on forever. In a good way.

Tomorrow the final festivities commence so I am off to finish my book and get an early night in preparation.

Lesley x

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