A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Me not her.

Today I have crashed an F1 car - despite the considerable improvement to my driving with J’s new wheel thing making it more like actual driving. Though it turns out this makes me drive like I drive and not actually like an F1 driver. Well apart from the crashing bit. I have also been demolished at Countdown; though that I am blaming that one on ending up with a family who insist on playing a disproportionate ratio of number rounds. The final thing I lost at today was Rummikub. I have no excuse. Especially given that Anna has spent the day nursing her cold and cough. Anna was also particularly splendid at driving like an F1 driver. Alarmingly so.

I am however winning at reading my book.

And eating turkey curry. Which was splendid. Even if so rejected by the children they paid for their own Chinese take out for dinner.

Lesley x

Bedtime Edit: as this seems as good a place as any to record Jackson data it is worth noting that he hasn’t had any energy dips today. At all. The first time since the injury. Way too early to get overly excited about corners turned and all that but hopefully a green shoot at the very least...

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