Fishing Line

Today was a day spent grocery shopping and buying those extra other items we think we might need at the house over the next week or so with the cold temperatures and possible icy road conditions.

When at the hardware store picking up other items, I picked up a new spool of fishing line for putting in the utility drawer as I had finished the last spool. It is amazing the million and one uses you can find around the house and yard for fishing line!

I was craving a brown sugar honey glazed ham for some reason (think the cold wet weather has something to do with it) and so baked one this afternoon. Not only did it taste good, it sure made the house smell yummy!

Last night Kent & I went through our Christmas decorations piece by piece and I have a single box now labeled “keepsakes” and a large box labeled “”give away” I also threw out a lot of stuff. It was nice to get that purging done.

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