The Sandwich of Perfection

It was lovely to wake up at Rach's this morning. We had breakfast and did a quiz in the paper and chilled whilst we waited for the boys to get up. They had their breakfast, but then an hour later they were ready for something else. When you are well over six foot and a super fit rower you need to keep refuelling!

Tom decided to make the 'Sandwich of Perfection'. He carved up the turkey, the pigs in blankets and the sausages, he added bread sauce, shredded sprouts with pancetta then soaked a slice of bread in gravy to go in the middle of his creation. It was a masterpiece. 

Josh slightly toasted his bread first, then he too sliced turkey and sausages. He warmed his creation before eating. They both managed half a sandwich and left the other half for later....I suspect both are long devoured now ha ha. Rachel made me one to bring home and it was superb! You can't beat the Boxing Day left overs.

I didn't have such a good trip home. It took me almost four hours as the traffic was terrible on the A34 and at a standstill when I got to Keele. But I made it at last and I was mighty glad to have a sandwich of perfection for when I walked in the door. 

Oh well, back to work tomorrow.....

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