
Poor #3 daughter is still poorly with flu so Mr C nobly took her ticket and joined #2 daughter, Ella, Thomas, Nathaniel, James and me for our annual outing to Whitley Bay Panto. Oh yes he did.

This was James’s first year at the panto as he can be a bit of a tearaway. However he was really good and just stared at the performance in disbelief. Ella constantly asked me questions, Thomas got a shock when one of the ugly sisters clambered over the seats to help herself to some of his popcorn. Nathaniel aged almost 4, just loved the whole thing and seemed to get some of the jokes. Thomas was very quiet throughout - his teacher and her little girl were sitting directly behind him! The four grandkids got into the shouting “He’s behind you etc”. James couldn’t believe his luck - a place where he is allowed to be as loud as he can be!

When we got back up the road to his house, Thomas and Ella played out in the dark with their light sabres.

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