Don't hold your breath...

I wasn't sure about heading into Penrith today, but I'm glad I did, the pool was virtually empty, and when the one other swimmer left I grabbed the opportunity to snatch a blip.

I can't say I'm enjoying it more, but I am enjoying doing something. Music would help, but I'm not really sure if that's feasible, something to investigate.
Not being able to properly breathe through my nose adds a level of challenge, but today I hit my target of 20 lengths. I need to hold the side every couple or so though, but that gives me a chance to properly breathe and to do more physio exercises buoyed by the water.
I'm adding 2 lengths each session and hoping to reach a mile eventually.

After the swim I wandered into Penrith. Each time I do I remember what a lovely town it is & think to myself I should come here more often.

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