
By LifeLines

The Run-Away Train

The train wasn't stopping at Wickford....

My last day at work before Christmas.  It was quiet as most of my colleagues have already started their holidays.  A few of us gathered for a morning tea break and chocolates!  Such a happy atmosphere. 

By the time I got to Westbourne Alexander had arrived (from Dorset) and he and Andy were about to set up Alexander's train set.  After various false starts due to the tracks not being fitted together properly and the electricity supply not being attached correctly, the train was finally off.  It reminded me of when I was young and the rare occasions when we were allowed to get Dad's dusty train set out of the loft.  It used to take hours to wash it all and then at frequent intervals the train would grind to a halt because the signals and track weren't connecting properly!  I can see now why we were so excited to see the train moving around the track.  The plan is to put this track and train around the base of our Christmas tree.

Wishing you all a happy Friday evening. x

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