What happens next?

This morning I joined with someone from the Medical School department of Psychiatry to interview candidates for a small teaching role as part of their DHB job. Tutor and organiser for the final year students. Three candidates. One outstanding. 

Time for a quick lunch and then onto the shuttle bus to GreenLane Hospital where I chaired a liaison meeting with Senior Police. After which I went to three of the community services to thank the staff on behalf of the Leadership Team.

When I left to get the shuttle back to Auckland Hospital, I looked back towards the old staff residence buildings, which house a number of our services, and the Psychiatry training department. We get the surplus to requirements buildings. I saw this partially demolished remnant of the old doctor's quarters from almost a century ago. The board fence has been there for a couple of years. The grass is uncontrolled, and the building edges are gradually deteriorating with exposure to the elements.

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