A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Christmas Christmas Christmas

I’ve decided to go full on Christmas. You nearly got some lovely crispy frosty sunshine shots from Chiswick House and Gardens but I decided you can have that another day when it isn’t Christmas Christmas Christmas.

So here is the tree with a few more decorations as I came across another box in the cupboard and some new lights for the mantelpiece because Anna and I didn’t think we had enough when we were in Dyas yesterday.

I haven’t actually managed to make any time to sit in the chair and read but if I had it would have been there. Must do better on that one tomorrow. Oh and my experiment to write stuff down so I would do it half worked. The invoices must happen tomorrow.

But the final present did arrive today. It’s for Carlos and I am really, really pleased with it. I thought it was a bit of a gamble but now it’s actually here I’m feeling more confident that I won’t be spoiling Christmas. Well at least not until Boxing Day and my brother comes over as I’ve gambled on a present for his whole family.

And now I’m out for a Christmas Currry and so starts a week of Christmas...

Lesley x

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