
By Beewriter

Christmas from Worsley

There was no early morning call saying that they wanted me for overtime so I had a lazy morning. I eventually got myself into gear and went off to town as I wanted to get some photos printed. It has been really foggy today and it was miserably damp in town. I bought a couple of large boards for a display of Billy Blood's adventures and I've just spent the last hour putting it all together.  

Now I do have a reputation as a Grinch to uphold so don't tell anyone, but I also bought a two foot red Christmas tree and some bits to go on it....there was a big discount so I decided to try and feel slightly festive.

I went to Lias's Garden Centre with Jude tonight as they were raising money for the Imagination Library. We all got to make a Christmas table decoration, it was all good fun....especially after a couple of glasses of mulled wine!

I hope I get a call for overtime in the morning or else I shall have to do some jobs about the house!

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