Yesnaby (Day 952)

I missed the morning woofer wander today, opting for a bit of a later start to the day. I headed to town to collect some bits whilst my beautiful wife dealt with the pack.
Having done the first job of the day in town, I headed back to Kev's to try (again) to sort his shower. It was a last ditch attempt which failed and has meant that a new shower is needed. 
Back at home, and as the weather improved, HV and I had bacon sandwiches before organising the dogs and heading to Yesnaby for a walk along the clifftops. There was a fairly chilly breeze, but it was so good to be out for a decent walk again. I have blipped this view before, but I like it so much I had to do it again.
When we got home, we used the new hoist to get the stone which mashed my finger onto the carving bench. Tomorrow I shall make a start on the carving.
This evening, I am out for beer with Richard and Billy. It should be entertaining.

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