This is the way...

Nursery have set Red (and presumably all the other children) a morning challenge sheet that includes him dressing himself, eating all his breakfast, brushing his hair and teeth, washing his face and putting on his shoes and coat. It certainly is a challenge for Red as I realise I really have babied him and let him get away with murder... Luckily he adores Mrs Topping and is very keen to impress her!

Ben had an early meeting after the school run then went off to spend the day with The Bison again. I got on with paperwork - including the joy that is shopping for car insurance for 2 cars. The day was miserable so after collecting Red, we stayed in and actually played board games together! Good mother points for me.

We went geocaching with Brownies - we found 3 caches (planned last week and checked in between by me ;-) ) which thrilled the girls! I may have created a few new converts.

Once home I collapsed into a headachy heap and was tucked up in bed soon after 9. Only to be up throwing up by 10! Luckily it seems it was a one off....

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