I shall have a fishy...

I spent the morning ironing after getting a replacement iron - exciting times. This was followed by lunch at Gylly Beach Cafe with The Bison, his beautiful wife Jenny and The Bison's dad.

The Bison is one of Ben's university friends and once met us generally never forgotten. He certainly made his mark at our wedding - flaming drambuie double titter and "fine set of wanking spanners" being 2 of the more memorable moments....

Ben joined them on a visit to the castle while I got bogged down in the drudgery of school runs and children. To celebrate this weekends Ouster Festival, various chefs are being sent round the local primary schools to try and involve the children in cooking and eating fish. We hit lucky and Chris (who was formerly at TwoTen where we went for Ben's 40th) was doing the demo at the younger 3's school. Pictured is Ally skinning a plaice fillet...

Ben got in before us and cooked a delicious chicken curry and the whole Rainbow run was much calmer and easier with 2 of us in the house - I even managed to pop in a couple of geocaches ready for geocaching with the Brownies tomorrow!

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