Aud stuff


Morning Glory

What a fabulous day. The forecast heavy rain for this morning didn't arrive so I had a good run from the house in the dark listening to some new music. There are no streetlights around so I took my headtorch. About 2k into the run the light started to look rather dim and pressing buttons to increase intensity did nothing. I was rather worried, having already run through several water-filled potholes that I hadn't seen. However, I got back home just as daylight took my worries away and I immediately changed the batteries.

Then I got a huge amount of domestic drudgery done around the house (punctuated by a few photos of the amazing sunrise) before heading to a 9am meeting. So I have felt like a high achiever all day; what a great feeling! And I got home to some good news from a friend which has really cheered me up. I am now formulating celebration plans.

Anyway; this is my favourite of this morning's photos and it's straight from the camera; not even cropped. I like the trees at the bottom which are just emerging from the mist and the darkness.

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